Mammalia - Carnivora - Mustelidae
Full reference: H. Wagner. 1976. A new species of Pliotaxidea (Mustelidae; Carnivora) from California. Journal of Paleontology 50(1):107-127
Belongs to Pliotaxidea according to H. Wagner 1976
Sister taxon: Pliotaxidea nevadensis
Type specimen: UCMP 52422, a partial skeleton (nearly complete skull and mandible plus partial postcranial skeleton). Its type locality is Turlock Lake (UCMP V-5836), which is in a Hemphillian terrestrial mudstone in the Mehrten Formation of California.
Ecology: scansorial carnivore-omnivore
• Hemphillian of United States (4: California, Nebraska, New Mexico collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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