Mammalia - Dinocerata - Prodinoceratidae
Alternative combination: Prodinoceras praecursor
Synonyms: Probathyopsis successor Jepsen 1930, Prouintatherium hobackensis Dorr, Jr. 1958
Full reference: G. G. Simpson. 1929. A new Paleocene uintathere and molar evolution in the Ambylpoda. American Museum Novitates 387:1-9
Belongs to Probathyopsis according to J. G. M. Thewissen and P. D. Gingerich 1987
See also Dorr 1958, Jepsen 1930, Lucas and Schoch 1998, Rose 1981, Schoch and Lucas 1985, Simpson 1929 and Wheeler 1961
Sister taxa: Probathyopsis harrisorum, Probathyopsis lysitensis, Probathyopsis sinyuensis
Type specimens:
- Probathyopsis praecursor: AMNH 16786, a partial skull
- Probathyopsis successor:
- Prouintatherium hobackensis: UMMP 27249, a partial skull (nearly complete left lower jaw with P3-M3, six isolated upper cheekt teeth, and a mandibular condyle fragment). Its type locality is UM-Sub-Wy Locality 7, which is in a Clarkforkian terrestrial shale in the Wasatch Formation of Wyoming.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Clarkforkian of United States (31: Wyoming collections)
Total: 31 collections each including a single occurrence
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