Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Agriochoeridae
Full reference: C. L. Gazin. 1955. A review of the Upper Eocene Artiodactyla of North America. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 128(8):1-96
Belongs to Protoreodon according to D. J. Golz 1976
See also Ferrusquia-Villafranca 1969 and Gazin 1955
Sister taxa: Protoreodon minimus, Protoreodon minor, Protoreodon pacificus, Protoreodon parvus, Protoreodon pumilus, Protoreodon transmontanus, Protoreodon walshi
Type specimen: PU 14404, a partial skeleton (Skull and jaws with complete dentition, and other skeletal portions). Its type locality is Myton Pocket, which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Uinta Formation of Utah.
Ecology: scansorial herbivore
• Eocene of Mexico (1 collection), United States (13: Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 14 collections each including a single occurrence
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