†Saxonella naylori Fox 1991 (primate)
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Mammalia - Primates - Saxonellidae
Full reference: R. C. Fox. 1991. Saxonella (Plesiadapiformes: ?Primates) in North America: S. Naylori, sp. nov., from the Late Paleocene of Alberta, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 11(3):334-349
Belongs to Saxonella according to R. C. Fox 1991
Sister taxon: Saxonella crepaturae
Type specimen: UALVP 16201, a mandible (incomplete left dentary having i1, p3-4, m1). Its type locality is Saxonella Locality, which is in a Ti3 lacustrine siltstone/shale in the Paskapoo Formation of Canada.
Ecology: arboreal herbivore
• Paleocene of Canada (2: Alberta collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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