Sciuravus altidens Peterson 1919 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuravidae

Full reference: O. A. Peterson. 1919. Report Upon the Material Discovered in the Upper Eocene of the Uinta Basin by Earl Douglas in the Years 1908-1909, and by O. A. Peterson in 1912. Annals of Carnegie Museum 12(2):40-168

Belongs to Sciuravus according to O. A. Peterson 1919

Sister taxa: Sciuravus bridgeri, Sciuravus eucristadens, Sciuravus inclinatus, Sciuravus metalinguas, Sciuravus nexus, Sciuravus nitidus, Sciuravus popi, Sciuravus powayensis, Sciuravus rarus, Sciuravus undans, Sciuravus wilsoni

Type specimen: C. M. No. 2348, a maxilla (fragment of left maxillary with two cheek-teeth in position and the root of the third). Its type locality is Wagonhound Canyon (Uinta B2), which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Uinta Formation of Utah.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Wagonhound Canyon (Uinta B2)

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