Mammalia - Primates - Palaechthonidae
Alternative combination: Plesiolestes sirokyi
Full reference: F. S. Szalay. 1973. New Paleocene Primates and a diagnosis of the new suborder Paromomyiformes. Folia Primatologica 19:73-87
Belongs to Torrejonia according to G. F. Gunnell 1989
See also Szalay 1973
Sister taxa: Plesiolestes nacimienti, Plesiolestes problematicus, Torrejonia wilsoni
Type specimen: AMNH No. 92135, a mandible (right mandible fragment with M2-3). Its type locality is Saddle, which is in a Tiffanian terrestrial horizon in Wyoming.
Ecology: arboreal insectivore-omnivore
• Paleocene of Canada (2: Alberta collections), United States (6: Wyoming)
Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence
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