Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae
Full reference: M. Freudenthal. 1994. Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Upper Oligocene of Mirambueno and Vivel del Rio (prov. Teruel, Spain). Scripta Geologica 104:1-55
Belongs to Allocricetodon according to M. Freudenthal 1994
Sister taxa: Pseudocricetodon adroveri, Pseudocricetodon heissigi, Pseudocricetodon incertus, Pseudocricetodon moguntiacus, Pseudocricetodon montalbanensis, Pseudocricetodon montalbensis, Pseudocricetodon nawabi, Pseudocricetodon philippi, Pseudocricetodon simplex, Pseudocricetodon thaleri
Type specimen: DCTUZ MIR1-8, a tooth (m1 inf. dext.). Its type locality is Mirambueno 1, which is in an Oligocene fluvial-lacustrine horizon in the Alcorisa Formation of Spain.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Oligocene of Spain (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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