Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Erinaceoidae
Full reference: C. Gaillard. 1899. Mammifères miocènes nouveaux ou peu connus de la Grive-Saint-Alban (Isère). Archives des Museum d'histoire Naturelle de Lyon VII(2):1-79
Belongs to Plesiodimylus according to J. Hürzeler 1944
See also Rzebik-Kowalska 1996
Sister taxa: Plesiodimylus bavaricus, Plesiodimylus crassidens, Plesiodimylus helveticus, Plesiodimylus huerzeleri
Type specimen: Museum d'histoire naturelle Lyon, a maxilla (Fragment maxilla, mandible and humerus sin.)
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
• Miocene of Austria (5 collections), France (2), Germany (8), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Poland (2), Slovakia (2), Spain (1), Switzerland (2)
Total: 24 collections each including a single occurrence
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