Synonyms: Amphiproviverra crassa Ameghino 1894, Amphiproviverra minuta Ameghino 1894, Hathliacynus lynchi Mercerat 1891, Perathereutes amputans Ameghino 1891, Perathereutes obtusus Ameghino 1891, Protoproviverra manzaniana Ameghino 1891, Protoviverra manzaniana Ameghino 1891, Sipalocyon altiramis Ameghino 1894, Sipalocyon curtus Ameghino 1894, Sipalocyon longus Ameghino 1894, Sipalocyon mixtus Ameghino 1894, Thylacodictis exilis Mercerat 1891
Belongs to Sipalocyon according to L. G. Marshall 1981
See also Ameghino 1891, Ameghino 1894, Lydekker 1894 and Marshall 1978
Sister taxa: Sipalocyon externus, Sipalocyon obusta, Protoproviverra palaeonictides, Amphiproviverra obtusa, Amphiproviverra manzaniana
Type specimens:
- Sipalocyon gracilis: MACN 647, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with alveoli of i1-3, root of c, alveoli of p1, p2-m2 complete). Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Amphiproviverra crassa: MACN 5957 and 5958, a partial skull (left mandibular ramus with roots of p1, p2-3 complete, m1-3 broken, m4 complete (5957); left maxillary fragment with P1-M4 complete (5958); not associated). Its type locality is Puesto Estancia La Costa, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial claystone/sandstone in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Amphiproviverra minuta: MACN 685, a tooth (part of an isolated left M2 with proto-, para-, and metacones, but lacking metastylar region). Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Hathliacynus lynchi: MLP 11-7, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with m1-4 complete). Its type locality is Barrancas del Río Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Perathereutes amputans: MACN 682, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with alveoli of c-p2, roots of p3m, m1-2 complete but worn, anterior half and posterior root of m3). Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Perathereutes obtusus: Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Protoproviverra manzaniana: MACN 691 through 703, a partial skeleton (left and right mandibular ramus with teeth (691), left maxilla and premaxilla with teeth (692), fragmentary postcrania (693-703)). Its type locality is Shehuén, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Protoviverra manzaniana:
- Sipalocyon altiramis: MACN 5964, a mandible (right mandibular ramus with p1-m4 complete). Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Sipalocyon curtus: MACN 5960 through 5962, a partial skeleton (fragment of right mandibular ramus with c, posterior half of p1, p2 complete, and anterior root of p3 (5960); tooth fragments (5961); caudal vertebra (5962); al). Its type locality is Yegua Quemada, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Sipalocyon longus: MACN 5965, a mandible (right mandibular ramus with alveolus of c, roots of p1 and m4, and p2-m3 complete). Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Sipalocyon mixtus: MACN 5963, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with roots of c, p1, p3, and m2, and with p2, m1, and m3 complete). Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
- Thylacodictis exilis: MLP 11-12, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with alveolus of c, roots of p1-3, m1 complete, and anterior half of m2). Its type locality is Monte León, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
Ecology: scansorial carnivore
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