Ulvophyceae - Bryopsidales - Halimedaceae
Parent taxon: Halimedaceae according to K. Tripalo 2017
See also Badve and Kundal 1986, Bassi 1998, Ghosh and Sarkar 2013, Humane and Kundal 2005, Jauhri et al. 2006, Lakhanpal et al. 1976, Mirsa et al. 2002 and Wells 1944
Sister taxa: Alpinocodium, Boueina, Brandneria, Calabricodium, Collarecodium, Egericodium, Eugonophyllum, Felixporidium, Hydracara, Madonicodium, Nipponophycus
Subtaxa: Halimeda agkarkari Halimeda chiplonkari Halimeda cylindracea Halimeda fluegeli Halimeda fragilis Halimeda incrassata Halimeda opuntia Halimeda tuna
Ecology: stationary epifaunal "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of Australia (11 collections), the Bahamas (4), Belize (11), China (1), Cook Islands (1), French Polynesia (12), Greece (3), Jamaica (2), Japan (4), Kenya (6), Madagascar (1), Maldives (1), the Marshall Islands (8), Mauritius (2), Mayotte (1), the Netherlands Antilles (1), New Caledonia (3), Palau (1), Panama (1), Puerto Rico (1), the Seychelles (8), Turks and Caicos Islands (3), United States (7: Florida, Hawaii), Virgin Islands (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Guam (1)
• Pliocene of Australia (1), the Marshall Islands (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (1), Australia (4), Austria (1), Cyprus (2), Guam (1), India (6), Indonesia (1), Israel (1), Italy (5), Malaysia (1), Malta (2), the Marshall Islands (2), Morocco (4), Northern Mariana Islands (1), Romania (1), Spain (7), Turkey (6)
• Eocene of Australia (2), Brazil (7), Greece (1), Guam (1), India (24), Italy (1), Libya (1), Maldives (2), the Marshall Islands (1), Morocco (1)
• Paleocene to Eocene of India (8), Slovakia (1)
• Paleocene of China (10), Egypt (1), Italy (2), Morocco (1), Oman (7), Slovakia (2)
• Cretaceous of Egypt (9), Germany (1), India (1), Iran (2), Jordan (3), Romania (1), Slovakia (1), Somalia (1), Spain (1), Venezuela (1)
• Jurassic of Algeria (1), Mexico (1)
• Triassic of Austria (2), Greece (1)
Total: 242 collections including 253 occurrences
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