Phytocrene Wallich 1831 (white pear)

Angiospermae - Icacinales - Icacinaceae

Parent taxon: Icacinaceae according to H. D. MacGinitie 1941

Sister taxa: Apodytes, Calatoloides, Gomphandroxylon, Icacinicarya, Iodes, Mappia, Natsiatum, Onoana, Palaeohosiea, Palaeophytocrene, Phytocreneae, Pyrenacantha, Sphaeriodes, Stizocarya

Subtaxa: Phytocrene punctilinearis Phytocrene sordida

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Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Eocene of Germany (1 collection), United States (12: California, Washington, Wyoming)

Total: 13 collections each including a single occurrence

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