Phylum Chlorophyta Reichenbach 1834 (green algae)
Parent taxon: Chloroplastida according to S. M. Adl et al. 2005
See also Kiessling 2003, Margulis 1996 and Taylor et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Charophyta, Chlorodendrales, Mesostigma, Prasinophytae
Subtaxa: Amgaella Bryopsidophyceae Calathella Caulerpites Charophyceae Chlorophyceae Dasycladophyceae Fuxianospira Grypania Indopolia Laenigma Lanceoforma Microfasta Monostysisyrinaceae Palaeomastigocladus Physophycus Proterotainia Pseudopalaeoporella Retephycus Schizosporis Sgrossoella Sinocylindra Sinophyllum Sphaeroporella Spheroporella Tetrasporaceae Thaumatoporellales Timanella Ulvophyceae Yakutina
Ecology: stationary epifaunal "photoautotroph"