Pterocarya Kunth 1824 (wingnut)

Angiospermae - Fagales - Juglandaceae

Parent taxon: Juglandaceae according to F. H. Knowlton 1919

See also Brown 1959, Chauhan 1991, Hickey 1977 and Liu et al. 1996

Sister taxa: Alatonucula, Alfaroa, Antweileria, Carya, Caryapollenites, Caryojuglandoxylon, Caryojuglans, Cruciptera, Cyclocarya, Engelhardia, Hicoria, Hicoroides, Juglandicarya, Juglandiocarpon, Juglandiphyllum, Juglandiphyllum, Juglandites, Juglandoxylon, Juglans, Jugloxylon, Lamanonia, Momipites, Palaeocarya, Paraengelhardtia, Platycarya, Platycaryapollenites, Praeengelhardtia, Pterocaryapollenites, Pterocaryopsis, Pugetia, Sphaerocarya, Vinea

Subtaxa: Pterocarya americana Pterocarya denticulata Pterocarya hispida Pterocarya retusa Pterocarya stenoptera

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Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Quaternary of France (3 collections), India (3), Italy (1), Japan (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of China (1), Italy (3)

• Pliocene of China (1), Germany (4), Japan (1), Portugal (6), United States (1: Florida)

• Miocene to Pliocene of France (1), Germany (1), Japan (1)

• Miocene of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), China (2), Denmark (1), Germany (36), Japan (6), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (6), Turkey (1), United States (5: Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, Virginia)

• Oligocene to Eocene of United States (1: Oregon)

• Oligocene of the Czech Republic (1), Germany (2), the Russian Federation (12), United States (2: Oregon, Virginia)

• Eocene of Canada (2: British Columbia), Germany (1), Japan (2), the Russian Federation (1), United States (48: Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming)

• Clarkforkian of United States (2: North Dakota, Wyoming)

• Paleocene to Eocene of United States (1: Alaska)

• Paleocene to Oligocene of Canada (1: Nunavut)

• Paleocene of China (1), United States (11: Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming)

• Tertiary of Japan (1)

Total: 178 collections including 187 occurrences

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