Dilophosaurus wetherilli Welles 1954

Reptilia - Theropoda

Alternative combinations: Dilophosaurus wehterilli, Dilophosaurus wetherelli, Dilophosaurus whetherilli, Megalosaurus wetherilli

Full reference: S. P. Welles. 1954. New Jurassic dinosaur from the Kayenta Formation of Arizona. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 65:591-598

Belongs to Dilophosaurus according to A. D. Marsh and T. B. Rowe 2020

See also Bittencourt and Kellner 2009, Carrano et al. 2012, Carrano and Sampson 2004, Dal Sasso et al. 2018, Dalman 2012, Delsate and Ezcurra 2014, Ezcurra 2007, Ezcurra 2017, Ezcurra and Brusatte 2011, Ezcurra and Cuny 2007, Gauthier 1986, Gay 2005, Hu 1993, Hurum 2001, Knoll et al. 1999, Langer and Benton 2006, Langer et al. 2010, Lucas et al. 2006, Malafaia et al. 2020, Martill et al. 2016, Mateus and Estraviz-López 2022, Molnar 1974, Molnar 1991, Moro et al. 2020, Naish 1999, Nesbitt and Ezcurra 2015, Nesbitt et al. 2009, Osmólska 1996, Paul 1988, Paul 1993, Petti et al. 2011, Rauhut 2003, Rowe 1989, Rowe and Gauthier 1990, Rowe et al. 1997, Sampson and Witmer 2007, Sanz et al. 1992, Sciscio et al. 2017, Senter and Sullivan 2019, Smith 2007, Steel 1970, Titus et al. 2021, Tykoski and Rowe 2004, Vickaryous and Ryan 1997, Weems 2006, Weems 2006, Welles 1954, Welles 1970, Welles 1972, White et al. 2015, Xing et al. 2014, Yates 2005, Yun 2019, Zahner and Brinkmann 2019 and Zhang et al. 2023

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UCMP 37302, a skeleton (scapula). Its type locality is UCMP V4214, Moa Ave, which is in a Sinemurian/Pliensbachian terrestrial shale/siltstone in the Kayenta Formation of Arizona.

Average measurements (in mm): femur circumference 185.0, fibula circumference 57.0, tibia circumference 132.0


• Jurassic of United States (10: Arizona, Utah collections)

Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence

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