Alternative combination: Halticosaurus liliensterni
Full reference: F. v. Huene. 1934. Ein neuer Coelurosaurier in der thüringischen Trias [A new coelurosaur in the Thuringian Trias]. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 16(3/4):145-170
Belongs to Liliensternus according to R. S. Tykoski and T. E. Rowe 2004
See also Baird 1957, Bock 1952, Brusatte et al. 2013, Carrano and Sampson 2004, Charig 1967, Dalman 2012, Delsate and Ezcurra 2014, Ezcurra 2017, Ezcurra and Cuny 2007, Ezcurra and Novas 2007, Gand et al. 2005, Gand et al. 2000, Godefroit and Knoll 2003, Griffin and Nesbitt 2016, Huene 1934, Kuhn 1939, Kuhn 1939, Kuhn 1942, Kuhn 1971, Lang and Huene 1952, Langer and Benton 2006, Langer et al. 2010, Lucas et al. 2006, Martill et al. 2016, Martinez and Apaldetti 2017, Marzola and Dalla Vecchia 2014, Meyer et al. 2010, Moro et al. 2020, Nesbitt and Ezcurra 2015, Niedzwiedzki et al. 2014, Parrish and Carpenter 1986, Paul 1988, Paul 1993, Petti et al. 2011, Rauhut 2003, Rauhut and Hungerbühler 2000, Rowe 1989, Rowe and Gauthier 1990, Rowe et al. 1997, Sampson and Witmer 2007, Schmidt 1938, Smith 2007, Steel 1970, Weems 2006, Weems 2006, Welles 1984, Yates 2005, Yates 2010 and Zahner and Brinkmann 2019
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is Grossen Gleichberg, Römhild, which is in a Norian terrestrial marl in the Trossingen Formation of Germany
Distribution: found only at Grossen Gleichberg, Römhild
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