Ovaloolithus Zhao 1979 (ornithopod)

Reptilia - Ornithischia - Ovaloolithidae

Full reference: Z. Zhao. 1979. [Advances in the study of fossil dinosaur eggs in our country]. Mesozoic and Cenozoic red beds of South China; selected papers from the field conference on the South China Cretaceous-Early Tertiary red beds. Science Press, Beijing 330-340

Parent taxon: Ovaloolithidae according to K. E. Mikhailov 2000

See also Li et al. 1996, Liang et al. 2009, Mikhailov 1991, Mikhailov et al. 1994, Zhang and Wang 2010, Zhang et al. 2017, Zhao 1979, Zhao 1994, Zhao et al. 1991 and Zhao et al. 2013

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Ovaloolithus chinkangkouensis Ovaloolithus dinornithoides Ovaloolithus huangtulingensis Ovaloolithus laminadermus Ovaloolithus mixistriatus Ovaloolithus monostriatus Ovaloolithus sangpingensis Ovaloolithus tenuisus Ovaloolithus tristriatus Ovaloolithus turpanensis Ovaloolithus utahensis Ovaloolithus weiqiaoensis

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Type: Ovaloolithus chinkangkouensis

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Cretaceous of China (12 collections), Mongolia (2), United States (5: Utah)

Total: 19 collections including 21 occurrences

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