†Trochosaurus Broom 1913 (therapsid)
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Osteichthyes - Therocephalia - Lycosuchidae
Full reference: R. Broom. 1913. A revision of the reptiles of the Karroo. Annals of the South African Museum 7(6):361-366
Parent taxon: Lycosuchidae according to L. D. Boonstra 1969
See also Broom 1913
Sister taxa: Hyaenasuchus, Lycosuchus, Porosteognathus, Trochorhinus
Subtaxa: Trochosaurus acutus Trochosaurus dirus Trochosaurus intermedius Trochosaurus major
Ecology: carnivore
• Permian of South Africa (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections including 3 occurrences
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