Alternative spelling: Murchisoniacea
Full reference: E. Koken. 1896. Die Leitfossilien. Ein Handbuch für den Unterricht und für das Bestimmen von Versteinerungen 1-848
Parent taxon: Murchisoniina according to P. Jeffery 2003
See also Bouchet et al. 2005, Knight et al. 1960, Kosnik 2002, Ponder and Warén 1988 and Wagner 1999
Sister taxa: Eotomarioidea, Loxonematoidea, Straparollinoidea, Subulitoidea, Trochonematoidea
Subtaxa: Cheeneetnukiidae Hormotomidae Kosovoconcha Mendelia Murchisoniidae Plethospiridae
Type: Murchisonia
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Switzerland (1 collection)
• Triassic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), China (9), Hungary (2), Indonesia (3), Italy (26), Romania (2), United States (1: Alaska)
• Permian of Cambodia (1), China (7), Indonesia (1), Malaysia (1), Nepal (1), the Russian Federation (2), Tunisia (4), United States (12: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Texas, Utah)
• Carboniferous to Permian of United States (2: California)
• Carboniferous of Australia (6), Belgium (1), Canada (1: Alberta), China (1), the United Kingdom (10), United States (43: Alabama, California, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
• Givetian of France (4)
• Couvinien of Australia (1)
• Devonian of Australia (28), Austria (15), Canada (21: Manitoba, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec), China (4), the Czech Republic (10), France (3), Germany (27), Italy (3), Japan (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), Luxembourg (1), Mauritania (1), Morocco (5), Poland (6), the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (44: Alaska, California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Ohio)
• Niagaran of United States (2: Indiana, New York)
• Silurian to Devonian of Australia (1)
• Silurian of Argentina (3), Brazil (1), Canada (58: Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (15), the Czech Republic (15), Estonia (2), Germany (1), Greenland (2), Ireland (2), Lithuania (2), Norway (2), Paraguay (2), the Russian Federation (17), Sweden (15), Ukraine (3), the United Kingdom (12), United States (101: Alaska, California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
• Whiterockian of United States (3: California, Minnesota, Nevada)
• Chazyan of United States (1: New York)
• Arenigian of United States (3: Virginia)
• Arenig of Australia (1), China (9), United States (2: Montana, Oklahoma)
• Ordovician of Australia (4), Canada (92: British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (8), the Czech Republic (1), Estonia (5), Germany (1), Greenland (3), Ireland (1), Norway (4), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (16), United States (208: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
• Tremadoc of China (2), United States (2: Montana, Utah)
Total: 944 collections including 1377 occurrences