Anthozoa - Stauriida - Waagenophyllidae
Parent taxon: Wentzellophyllinae according to X.-D. Wang et al. 2018
See also Hill 1956, Hill 1981, Minato and Kato 1965, Sepkoski 2002 and Wang et al. 2006
Sister taxa: Iranophyllum, Lonsdaleiastraea, Multimurinus, Praewentzelella, Pseudopolythecalis, Wentzelella, Maoyingophyllum, Wentzelloides, Wentzelellites, Zhurihephyllum, Xizangophyllum, Parairanophylloides, Wentzellophyllum, Houchangophyllum
Subtaxa: Polythecalis (Polythecalis) Polythecalis abnormis Polythecalis asthenotheca Polythecalis bauryi Polythecalis breviseptata Polythecalis chandalasensis Polythecalis chaoxianensis Polythecalis chinensis Polythecalis chinmenensis Polythecalis compacta Polythecalis confluens Polythecalis crassa Polythecalis dupliformis Polythecalis flatus Polythecalis frechi Polythecalis grayi Polythecalis guankouensis Polythecalis hexagonalis Polythecalis hochowensis Polythecalis houchangensis Polythecalis huangi Polythecalis huayunshanensis Polythecalis irregularis Polythecalis irregularis Polythecalis khmerianus Polythecalis langpoensis Polythecalis leptoseptata Polythecalis longiseptata Polythecalis longliensis Polythecalis minor Polythecalis multicystosis Polythecalis nankingensis Polythecalis niuxingshanensis Polythecalis polygonalis Polythecalis raritabellata Polythecalis regularis Polythecalis regularis Polythecalis rosiformis Polythecalis shiqianensis Polythecalis simplex Polythecalis sinense Polythecalis suzhouensis Polythecalis tela Polythecalis tonglingensis Polythecalis variabilis Polythecalis verbeekiellaina Polythecalis verbeekielloides Polythecalis wangi Polythecalis wenganensis Polythecalis wuweiensis Polythecalis xuanenensis Polythecalis yangtzeensis
Type: Polythecalis confluens
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Azerbaijan (1 collection), Cambodia (4), China (54), Indonesia (2), Iran (6), Iraq (1), Laos (1), the Russian Federation (1), Thailand (1), Vietnam (1)
Total: 72 collections including 106 occurrences
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