Psydracophyllum Pedder 1971 (horn coral)

Anthozoa - Stauriida - Ptenophyllidae

Parent taxon: Ptenophyllinae according to D. Hill 1981

See also Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Acmophyllum, Aphroidophyllum, Australophyllum, Dohmophyllum, Ecnomiophyllum, Embolophyllum, Gryphophyllum, Hankaxis, Hezhangophyllum, Imennovia, Lyrielasma, Neomphyma, Paleogrypophyllum, Pseudochonophyllum, Pseudogrypophyllum, Redstonea, Salairophyllum, Shastaphyllum, Taimyrophyllum, Tonkinaria, Toquimaphyllum, Weissermelia, Windelasma, Xystriphyllum

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Devonian of Canada (6: British Columbia, Northwest Territories collections), China (2)

Total: 8 collections including 9 occurrences

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