Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Lophospiridae
Alternative combination: Lophospira sedgwicki
Synonyms: Lophospira trilineata Pitcher 1939, Lophospira turbinoides Koken and Perner 1925, Loxoplocus esthona Koken and Perner 1925, Loxoplocus trilineata Pitcher 1939, Loxoplocus turbinoides Koken and Perner 1925, Schizolopha esthona Koken and Perner 1925, Worthenia esthona Koken and Perner 1925, Worthenia turbinoides Koken and Perner 1925
Full reference: J. G. Donald. 1906. Notes on the genera Omospira, Lophospira and Turritoma, with descriptions of new Proterozoic species. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 62:552-572
Belongs to Loxoplocus according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Donald 1906, Koken and Perner 1925, Peel 1977, Pitcher 1939, Teichert 1932, Vostokova 1955 and Wagner 1999
Sister taxa: Loxoplocus gothlandicus, Loxoplocus hyacinthensis, Loxoplocus nelsonae, Loxoplocus silurica, Loxoplocus soluta, Loxoplocus vermetus
Type specimens:
- Loxoplocus sedgwicki: Its type locality is Locality 6. Ladywell Wood of Mulloch Hill, which is in a Rhuddanian carbonate limestone in the Mulloch Hill Formation of the United Kingdom.
- Loxoplocus esthona:
- Loxoplocus trilineata: Its type locality is Bog Mine, Shelve Outliers, Shropshire, which is in a Telychian carbonate shale in the Purple Shale Formation of the United Kingdom.
- Loxoplocus turbinoides:
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
• Silurian of Canada (3: Nova Scotia collections), the United Kingdom (2)
• Ordovician of Estonia (5)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence
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