†subfamily Proviverrinae Schlosser 1886 (creodont)

Mammalia - Creodonta

Alternative spelling: Proviverridae

Parent taxon: Hyaenodontoidea according to F. Solé and B. Mennecart 2019

See also Bajpai et al. 2009, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gheerbrant et al. 2006, Hay 1902, Peigné et al. 2007, Solé 2013, Solé et al. 2014 and Solé et al. 2014

Sister taxon: Hyaenodontidae

Subtaxa: Alienetherium Allopterodon Consobrinus Lesmesodon Minimovellentodon Morlodon Paenoxyaenoides Parvagula Praecodens Proviverra

View classification

Type: Proviverra

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Eocene of France (10 collections), Germany (3), Namibia (1), Spain (2), Switzerland (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Utah)

• Paleocene of Morocco (1)

Total: 21 collections including 27 occurrences

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