Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Dichobunidae
Full reference: J. L. Franzen and G. Krumbiegel. 1980. Messelobunodon ceciliensis n. sp. (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) - ein neuer Dichobunide aus der mitteleozänen Fauna des Geiseltals bei Halle (DDR). (Messelobunodon ceciliensis n. sp. - a new Dichobunidae from the Middle Eocene fauna of the Geiseltal, Halle (DDR)). Zeitschrift der geologischen Wissenschaften, Berlin 8(12):1553-1560
Belongs to Messelobunodon according to J. L. Franzen and G. Krumbiegel 1980
See also Erfurt and Sudre 1996, Luccisano et al. 2020, Sudre and Erfurt 1996 and Theodor et al. 2007
Sister taxon: Messelobunodon schaeferi
Type specimen: Cl NO 305, Geiseltal, Germany, a skull (skull with upper dentition). Its type locality is Geiseltal, Cl IV, Grube "Cecilie", Trichter NE, which is in a Lutetian lacustrine horizon in Germany.
Ecology: ground dwelling frugivore-omnivore
• Eocene of Germany (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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