†Geiselotherium pilzi Matthes 1952 (creodont)
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Full reference: H. W. Matthes. 1952. I. Abhandlung: Die Creodontier aus der mitteleozänen Braunkohle des Geiseltals (I. Part: The Creodonta from the Middle Eocene of Geiseltal). Hallesches Jahrbuch für mitteldeutsche Erdgeschichte 1:201-240
Belongs to Geiselotherium according to H. W. Matthes 1952
Sister taxa: Proviverra americana, Proviverra americanus, Proviverra edingeri, Proviverra longipes, Proviverra typica, Geiselotherium robustum
Type specimen: VI/343, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut Halle/Saale
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
• Eocene of Germany (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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