Reptilia - Theropoda - Tyrannosauridae
Alternative combinations: Jenghizkhan bataar, Tyrannosaurus bataar
Synonyms: Albertosaurus periculosus Riabinin 1930, Aublysodon huoyanshanensis Dong 1977, Aublysodon lancinator Maleev 1955, Aublysodon novojilovi Maleev 1955, Deinodon loncinator Maleev 1955, Deinodon novojilovi Maleev 1955, Gorgosaurus lancinator Maleev 1955, Gorgosaurus novojilovi Maleev 1955, Jenghizkhan luanchuanensis Dong 1979, Maleevosaurus novojilovi Maleev 1955, Shanshanosaurus houyanshanensis Dong 1977, Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis Dong 1977, Tarbosaurus efremovi Maleev 1955, Tarbosaurus luanchuanensis Dong 1979, Tarbosaurus novojilovi Maleev 1955, Tyrannosaurus luanchuanensis Dong 1979, Tyrannosaurus luanchuensis Dong 1979
Full reference: E. A. Maleev. 1955. [Giant carnivorous dinosaurs of Mongolia]. Doklady, Academy of Sciences USSR 1955, 104(4):634-637
Belongs to Tarbosaurus according to T. R. Holtz 2004
See also Armitage and Anderson 2013, Averianov 2007, Barsbold 1983, Barsbold 1997, Bell et al. 2012, Buffetaut 1992, Carpenter 1992, Carpenter 1997, Carr 1999, Carr 2010, Carr 2023, Carr et al. 2017, Carr et al. 2005, Carr et al. 2011, Chao 1980, Charig 1967, Chen 1983, Coy 1997, Currie 1992, Currie 2000, Currie 2003, Currie et al. 2003, Currie and Dong 2001, Currie et al. 2003, Currie and Padian 1997, Dalman 2013, Dong 1977, Dong 1979, Dong 1992, Dong 2001, Fowler et al. 2011, Gauthier 1986, Gilmore 1933, Godefroit et al. 2011, Gradzinski et al. 1977, Guan 1986, Holtz 2001, Hone et al. 2011, Jeletzky 1960, Jiang et al. 2011, Kielan-Jaworowska 1969, Kielan-Jaworowska 1984, Kielan-Jaworowska and Kowalski 1965, Kobayashi 1959, Kuhn 1939, Kurzanov 1976, Lehman and Carpenter 1990, Li et al. 1986, Lü 2008, Mader and Bradley 1989, Maleev 1955, Maleev 1955, Malkani 2006, McDonald et al. 2018, McGinnis 1982, Molnar 1978, Molnar 1980, Molnar 1980, Molnar 1991, Molnar et al. 1990, Olshevsky 1992, Olshevsky 1995, Olshevsky 2000, Osmólska 1996, Osmólska 1997, Osmólska 1997, Osmólska and Roniewicz 1970, Parsons and Parsons 2015, Paul 1988, Paulina Carabajal and Canale 2010, Poropat and Kear 2013, Qi et al. 1986, Rauhut 2003, Rozhdestvensky 1965, Rozhdestvensky 1974, Rozhdestvensky 1977, Russell 1970, Ryan 1997, Saveliev and Alifanov 2007, Shen and Mateer 1992, Steel 1970, Stromer 1931, Swinton 1970, Tatarinov 1964, Thomson et al. 2013, Urban and Lamanna 2006, Young 1935, Zhai et al. 1978 and Zhao 1986
Sister taxa: none
Type specimens:
- Tarbosaurus bataar: PIN 551-1, a skull. Its type locality is Nemegt locality (PIN coll. 551) [MPE], which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial horizon in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia.
- Albertosaurus periculosus: PIN uncat.. Its type locality is Jiayin, which is in a Maastrichtian floodplain sandstone/mudstone in the Yuliangzi Formation of China.
- Gorgosaurus lancinator: PIN 553-1, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Altan Ula II [SMPE] (PIN coll. 553), which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial horizon in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia.
- Gorgosaurus novojilovi: PIN 552-2, a skeleton. Its type locality is Tsagan Hushu [MPE/SMGE] (PIN coll. 552), which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial siliciclastic in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia.
- Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis: IVPP V4878, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Lianmuqin, Shanshan (IVPP Loc. 66012), which is in a Campanian/Maastrichtian terrestrial horizon in the Subashi Formation of China.
- Tarbosaurus efremovi: PIN 551-3, a skeleton. Its type locality is Nemegt locality (PIN coll. 551) [MPE], which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial horizon in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia.
- Tyrannosaurus luanchuanensis: NIGP V.4733. Its type locality is Songping, Luanchuan (IVPP), which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial mudstone/sandstone in the Qiupa Formation of China.
Average measurements (in mm): femur circumference 324.6, fibula circumference 89.3, tibia circumference 270.8
• Cretaceous of China (4 collections), Mongolia (22), the Russian Federation (1)
Total: 27 collections including 28 occurrences
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