Reptilia - Theropoda - Proceratosauridae
Alternative combinations: Megalosaurus bradleyi, Proceratosaurus bradlyi
Full reference: A. S. Woodward. 1910. On a skull of Megalosaurus from the Great Oolite of Minchinhampton (Gloucestershire). Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 66(262):111-115
Belongs to Proceratosaurus according to A. Serrano-MartÃnez et al. 2015
See also Carr et al. 2017, Carrano et al. 2012, Colbert and Russell 1969, Hendrickx and Mateus 2014, Holtz 1998, Holtz et al. 2004, Huene 1926, Huene 1926, Janensch 1933, Kuhn 1939, Lapparent 1943, Lavocat 1955, Naish and Martill 2007, Paul 1988, Paul 1988, Rauhut 2003, Rauhut et al. 2016, Rauhut et al. 2010, Rioult 1978, Rowe and Gauthier 1990, Steel 1970, Stromer 1915, Stromer 1931, Stromer 1934, Swinton 1970, Thomson et al. 2013, Woodward 1910 and Yates 2005
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: BMNH 4860, a partial skull. Its type locality is Minchinhampton reservoir (BMNH R4860), which is in a Bathonian/Bathonian marine limestone in the White Limestone Formation of the United Kingdom.
Distribution: found only at Minchinhampton reservoir (BMNH R4860)
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