Anomalomys minutus Bollinger 1992 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Anomalomyidae

Full reference: T.h. Bollinger. 1992. Kleinsäugerstratigraphie in der miozänen Hörnlischüttung (Ostschweiz); (Biostratigraphy of small mammals in the Hörnlischüttung of Miocene age (East Switzerland)). Documenta naturae 75:1-296

Belongs to Anomalomys according to Th. Bollinger 1992

Sister taxa: Anomalomys aliveriensis, Anomalomys gaillardi, Anomalomys gaudryi, Anomalomys gernoti, Anomalomys grytsivensi, Anomalomys minor

Type specimen: M1 inf.sin. (PIMUZ A/V 1697), a tooth. Its type locality is Tobel-Hombrechtikon, Zürich ("Assemblage"-Zone), which is in a MN 5 floodplain marl in Switzerland.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Miocene of Germany (1 collection), Switzerland (1)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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