Synonyms: Segnosauria Barsbold and Perle 1980, Segnosaurischia Dong 1992
Full reference: D. A. Russell and Z.-M. Dong. 1994. The affinities of a new theropod from the Alxa Desert, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30(10-11):2107-2127
Parent taxon: Therizinosauria according to H. Pu et al. 2013
See also Barsbold 1983, Barsbold and Perle 1980, Benton 1990, Clark et al. 2004, Clark et al. 1995, Dong 1992, Dong and Yu 1997, Holtz 1995, Holtz 1996, Holtz 1998, Holtz 2000, Nessov 1995, Rauhut 2003, Russell and Dong 1994, Senter 2007, Sereno 1989, Xu et al. 1999, Zanno 2004, Zanno 2010, Zanno et al. 2009 and Zhang et al. 2001
Sister taxa: Erlikosaurus, Falcarius, Fukuivenator, Jianchangosaurus, Lingyuanosaurus
Subtaxa: Alxasauridae Alxasaurus Beipiaosaurus Dendroolithidae Martharaptor Therizinosauridae
Type: Therizinosaurus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore