Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Faviidae
Synonyms: Barbadiastrea Wells 1945, Phymastrea Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848
Parent taxon: Faviidae according to B. W. Hoeksema and S. Cairns 2021
See also Baron-Szabo 2006, Budd et al. 2012, Budd et al. 1992, Johnson 1998, López-Pérez 2005, Sepkoski 2002, Veron 2000 and Wells 1956
Sister taxa: Agathiphylliinae, Dactylosmilia, Defrancia, Dictyoastraea, Hadrophyllia, Ksiazkiewiczia, Montastreinae, Sakalavastraea, Solenastrea, Thysanus
Subtaxa: Favia africana Favia aquitaniensis Favia beaumaderiensis Favia clarki Favia corollaris Favia costata Favia dalmatina Favia danae Favia denticulata Favia dominicensis Favia ehrenbergi Favia exilis Favia falloti Favia faviodes Favia favioides Favia fragum Favia friedbergi Favia gotschevi Favia gravida Favia gregoryi Favia haipensis Favia hannai Favia hemispherica Favia jezoensis Favia junghuhni Favia kabyliensis Favia leptophylla Favia lobata Favia maastrichtensis Favia macdonaldi Favia macrocalyx Favia macrotheca Favia madhuwalensis Favia magnifica Favia maoadentrensis Favia mathai Favia melitae Favia meneguzzoi Favia merriami Favia oishii Favia okeni Favia planissima Favia praeamplior Favia profunda Favia ritterneri Favia somaliensis Favia subdenticulata Favia texana Favia turbinata Favia vokesae Favia weisbordi
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-microcarnivore
• Quaternary of Australia (32 collections), the Bahamas (2), Barbados (11), Brazil (4), Cape Verde (5), Cayman Islands (29), China (1), Cook Islands (1), the Dominican Republic (1), Egypt (30), Guam (1), India (6), Iran (4), Israel (1), Jamaica (1), Japan (32), Kenya (27), Malaysia (1), Mexico (1), the Netherlands Antilles (6), New Caledonia (7), Northern Mariana Islands (1), Pakistan (3), Panama (9), Papua New Guinea (2), Saudi Arabia (3), the Seychelles (8), Somalia (1), Sudan (1), Taiwan (1), United States (8: Florida), Vanuatu (6)
• Pliocene of the Bahamas (1), Costa Rica (7), the Dominican Republic (3), Indonesia (8), United States (3: California)
• Miocene to Pliocene of United States (1: Puerto Rico)
• Miocene of Bulgaria (1), Cyprus (2), the Dominican Republic (7), Egypt (5), France (7), Indonesia (4), Iran (8), Italy (3), Japan (3), Libya (1), Malaysia (1), Mexico (1), Moldova (1), Panama (2), Papua New Guinea (2), Poland (1), Puerto Rico (1), Romania (3), Slovenia (1), Somalia (3), Spain (3), Trinidad and Tobago (2), Turkey (6), Ukraine (1), United States Minor Outlying Islands (2)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Somalia (1)
• Oligocene of Antigua and Barbuda (1), the Dominican Republic (1), Greece (5), Italy (23), Panama (1), Somalia (1)
• Eocene to Oligocene of Greece (1)
• Eocene of Austria (1), Colombia (2), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (2), Germany (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), North Atlantic (1), Pakistan (1), Panama (2), Ukraine (1), United States (1: California)
• Paleocene of Egypt (2), India (1), Somalia (1)
• Cretaceous of China (3), Georgia (1), Jamaica (2), Japan (5), Mexico (1), the Netherlands (2), Poland (4), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Switzerland (1), Turkmenistan (2), Ukraine (1), United States (1: Texas)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Japan (1)
• Jurassic of Azerbaijan (4), Iran (3)
Total: 428 collections including 464 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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