†Zazamys MacPhee and Iturralde-Vinent 1995 (hutia)
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Mammalia - Rodentia - Capromyidae
Full reference: R. D. E. MacPhee and M. A. Iturralde-Vinent. 1995. Origin of the Greater Antillean land mammal fauna, 1: New Tertiary fossils from Cuba and Puerto Rico. American Museum Novitates 3141:1-31
Parent taxon: Isolobodontinae according to R. D. E. MacPhee et al. 2003
See also MacPhee and Iturralde-Vinent 1995
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Zazamys veronicae
Type: Zazamys veronicae
Ecology: scansorial herbivore-carnivore
Distribution: found only at Domo de Zaza (Miocene of Cuba)
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