Alternative combinations: Smilodon laevis, Zanclodon levis
Synonyms: Plateosaurus plieningeri Fraas 1896 [objective synonym], Zanclodon plieningeri Fraas 1896 [objective synonym]
Full reference: T. Plieninger. 1846. Über ein neues Sauriergenus und die Einreihung der Saurier mit flachen, schneidenden Zähnen in Eine Familie [On a new saurian genus and incorporating the saurian with flat, cutting teeth into a family]. Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 2:148-154
Belongs to Zanclodon according to R. R. Schoch 2011
See also Blanckenhorn 1898, Fraas 1879, Fraas 1896, Fraas 1897, Fraas 1900, Galton 1984, Galton 1985, Galton 2001, Galton 2001, Huene 1905, Huene 1914, Huene 1914, Kuhn 1939, Kuhn 1971, Meyer 1855, Nopcsa 1901, Perrier 1928, Plieninger 1846, Plieninger 1847, Quenstedt 1852, Quenstedt 1856, Quenstedt 1867, Quenstedt 1882, Schmidt 1938, Seeley 1880, Seeley 1895, Seemann 1933, Spangenberg 1898, Steel 1970, Thürach 1889, von Zittel 1911, Welles 1984 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Zanclodon arenaceus, Zanclodon crenatus, Zanclodon quenstedti
Type specimens:
- Zanclodon laevis: SMNS 6045, a maxilla. Its type locality is Swäbisch Hall, Gaildorf, which is in a Ladinian terrestrial horizon in the Erfurt Formation of Germany.
- Plateosaurus plieningeri: SMNS 6045, a set of postcrania. Its type locality is Swäbisch Hall, Gaildorf, which is in a Ladinian terrestrial horizon in the Erfurt Formation of Germany.
Distribution: found only at Swäbisch Hall, Gaildorf
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