Reptilia - Squamata - Palaeophiidae
Full reference: R. Hoffstetter. 1958. Un serpent marin du genre Pterosphenus (Pt. Sheppardi nov. sp.) dans L’Éocène supérieur de L’Équateur (Amérique de Sud). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 6:45-50
Belongs to Pterosphenus according to D. Parmley and M. DeVore 2005
See also Hoffstetter 1958
Sister taxa: Pterosphenus biswasi, Pterosphenus kutchensis, Pterosphenus muruntau, Pterosphenus schucherti, Pterosphenus schweinfurthi
Type specimen: Its type locality is Ancon Pterosphenus sheppardi type locality, which is in an Eocene marine shale in the Seca Formation of Ecuador
Ecology: aquatic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Ancon Pterosphenus sheppardi type locality
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