Peachocaris acanthouraea Schram 1984 (arthropod)

Malacostraca - Eumalacostraca

Full reference: F. R. Schram. 1984. Upper Pennsylvanian arthropods from black shales of Iowa and Nebraska. Journal of Paleontology 58(1):197-209

Belongs to Peachocaris according to F. R. Schram 1984

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: PE 19258. Its type locality is Hushpuckney Shale Mem, Crescent, Pottawattamie County, IA (Schram, 1984, Loc. 6), which is in a Missourian offshore shale in the Swope Formation of Iowa.

Ecology: epifaunal omnivore


• Carboniferous of United States (2: Iowa, Nebraska collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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