Full reference: Z.-K. Zhao and R. Li. 1993. First record of Late Cretaceous hypsilophodontid eggs from Bayan Manduhu, Inner Mongolia. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 31(2):77-84
Belongs to Prismatoolithus according to D. Wang and S. Zhou 1995
See also Cousin 2002, Liang et al. 2009, Moreno-Azanza et al. 2014, Sellés et al. 2014, Skutschas et al. 2017, Tanaka et al. 2011, Varricchio et al. 2002, Vianey-Liaud and López-Martínez 1997, Wang et al. 2018, Zelenitsky and Hills 1996, Zhao 2003, Zhao and Li 1993 and Zhou and Feng 2002
Sister taxa: Prismatoolithus caboti, Prismatoolithus hanshuiensis, Prismatoolithus heyuanensis, Prismatoolithus hirschi, Prismatoolithus hukouensis, Prismatoolithus ilekensis, Prismatoolithus jenseni, Prismatoolithus levis, Prismatoolithus matellensis, Prismatoolithus tenuis, Prismatoolithus tiantaiensis, Prismatoolithus trempii
Type specimen: NMB 4341: no. 9202, an egg. Its type locality is Bayan Mandahu entrance (NMB), which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Djadokhta Formation of China.
• Cretaceous of China (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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