†Paraprionosaurus wyomingensis Gilmore 1938 (lizard)
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Full reference: C. W. Gilmore. 1938. Descriptions of new and little-known fossil lizards from North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 86(3042):11-26
Belongs to Paraprionosaurus according to C. W. Gilmore 1938
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: USNM 12955, a maxilla (nearly complete left maxilla with 16 perfect teeth and space for 23 in total). Its type locality is 2 miles north of Lone Tree Post Office (Bridger D), which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in the Bridger Formation of Wyoming.
Distribution: found only at 2 miles north of Lone Tree Post Office (Bridger D)
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