Clade Eusaurischia Padian et al. 1999 (saurischian)

Reptilia - Saurischia

Full reference: K. Padian, J. R. Hutchinson, and T. R. Holtz, Jr. 1999. Phylogenetic definitions and nomenclature of the major taxonomic categories of the carnivorous Dinosauria (Theropoda). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(1):69-80

Parent taxon: Saurischia according to F. E. Novas et al. 2011

See also Bittencourt and Langer 2011, Cabreira et al. 2011, Ezcurra 2006, Langer 2004, Langer and Benton 2006 and Yates 2005

Sister taxa: Alwalkeria, Anticheiropus, Argoides, Aristosuchia, Avalonianus, Coelurosaurichnus, Deuterotetrapous, Nhandumirim, Pachypodosauria, Pachypodosauroidea, Palaeopoda, Parachirotherium, Platypterna, Plesiornis, Saurichnium, Saurischichnus, Sauropoda, Streptospondylus recentior, Thecospondylus, Trihamus, Trimabus

Subtaxa: Sauropodomorpha

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