Mammalia - Carnivora - Otariidae
Belongs to Arctocephalus according to T. A. Deméré et al. 2003
See also Berta et al. 2018, Cullen et al. 2014, Repenning and Tedford 1977, Rice 1998 and Riedman 1990
Sister taxa: Arctocephalus (Arctocephalus), Arctocephalus (Callotaria), Arctocephalus australis, Arctocephalus doriferus, Arctocephalus elegans, Arctocephalus eulophus, Arctocephalus falklandicus, Arctocephalus fischeri, Arctocephalus forsteri, Arctocephalus forsteri, Arctocephalus gazella, Arctocephalus grayii, Arctocephalus nivosus, Arctocephalus philippi, Arctocephalus philippii, Arctocephalus pusillus, Arctocephalus tasmanica, Arctocephalus townsendi, Arctocephalus tropicalis, Halarctus delalandii
Ecology: amphibious piscivore
Distribution: found only at Wolf Island (Quaternary of Ecuador)
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