Mammalia - Carnivora - Otariidae
Alternative spellings: Arctocephalina, Arctocephalini
Full reference: V. B. Scheffer and D. W. Rice. 1963. A list of the marine mammals of the world. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report - Fisheries 431:1-12
Parent taxon: Otariidae according to C. A. Pereyra and M. Magnussen 2021
See also Berta and Deméré 1986, Gray 1871, McKenna and Bell 1997, Mitchell 1968, Muizon 1978, Repenning and Tedford 1977, Riedman 1990 and Scheffer and Rice 1963
Sister taxa: Arctocephalus, Callorhinae, Callorhinina, Callorhinus, Eotaria, Eumetopias, Eumetopiina, Hydrarctos, Neophoca, Oriensarctos, Otaria, Otaria oudriana, Otariinae, Phocarctos, Pithanotaria, Proterozetes, Thalassoleon, Zalophina, Zalophus
Subtaxa: none
Type: Arctocephalus
Ecology: amphibious piscivore
• Quaternary of United States (1: California collection)
• Miocene of United States (1: California)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence