Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Full reference: H. A. Kulas and R. L. Batten. 1997. Silicified gastropods from the Permian Phosphoria rock complex of Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 31(2):33-58
Belongs to Apachella according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Kulas and Batten 1997
Sister taxa: Apachella alamillano, Apachella arizonensis, Apachella brachysiphon, Apachella capertoni, Apachella exaggerata, Apachella franciscana, Apachella glabra, Apachella huecoensis, Apachella malaysia, Apachella mulensis, Apachella nodosa, Apachella noinskyi, Apachella nucleola, Apachella powwowensis, Apachella prodontia, Apachella pseudostrigillata, Apachella rugosa, Apachella sosiensis, Apachella texana, Apachella thailandensis, Apachella translirata, Apachella turbiniformis
Type specimen: Its type locality is AMNH B631, Rock Ford, Fremont County, which is in a Roadian marine limestone in the Phosphoria Formation of Wyoming
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
Distribution: found only at AMNH B631, Rock Ford, Fremont County
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