Hormotoma centervillensis Foerste 1923 (snail)

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Hormotomidae

Full reference: A. F. Foerste. 1923. Notes on the Medinan, Niagaran, and Chester fossils. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University 23:37-120

Belongs to Hormotoma according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Foerste 1923

Sister taxa: Hormotoma aculeata, Hormotoma acuminata, Hormotoma agilis, Hormotoma altesinuata, Hormotoma amii, Hormotoma anna, Hormotoma antigonishensis, Hormotoma antiqua, Hormotoma arisaigensis, Hormotoma artemesia, Hormotoma articulata, Hormotoma bilineata, Hormotoma bistriata, Hormotoma cassina, Hormotoma concinnus, Hormotoma confusa, Hormotoma cotterensis, Hormotoma doquieri, Hormotoma dubia, Hormotoma dubia, Hormotoma exilis, Hormotoma fascinata, Hormotoma funata, Hormotoma gigantea, Hormotoma gracilens, Hormotoma gracilis, Hormotoma gracillima, Hormotoma grayiana, Hormotoma hyale, Hormotoma inceptor, Hormotoma insignis, Hormotoma latifasciatum, Hormotoma lutiensis, Hormotoma meryenorfi, Hormotoma meyendorfi, Hormotoma minnesotensis, Hormotoma moderata, Hormotoma multivolvis, Hormotoma neglecta, Hormotoma nigra, Hormotoma oehlerti, Hormotoma ordosensis, Hormotoma ordovix, Hormotoma patriciaensis, Hormotoma piperi, Hormotoma polita, Hormotoma prava, Hormotoma robusta, Hormotoma rotundivolvis, Hormotoma rudis, Hormotoma scrobiculata, Hormotoma simplex, Hormotoma striatula, Hormotoma subangulata, Hormotoma tenuifilosa, Hormotoma teretiformis, Hormotoma vesta, Hormotoma wilsoni, Hormotoma winnipegensis, Murchisonia (Hormotoma) gracillima, Murchisonia (Hormotoma) patriciaensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Quarry ½ mile northwest of Centerville, which is in an Alexandrian carbonate limestone in the Brassfield Formation of Ohio

Ecology: epifaunal herbivore


• Silurian of United States (2: Ohio collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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