Tergomya - Scenelloidea - Scenellidae
Full reference: A. Spitz. 1907. Die Gastropoden des Karnischen Unterdevon: Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Geologischen und Paläontologischen Instut, Üniversityat Wien, Mitteilung 20:115-190
Belongs to Palaeoscurria according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Jhaveri 1969 and Spitz 1907
Sister taxa: Palaeoscurria alternata, Palaeoscurria calyptrata, Palaeoscurria ordovicina, Palaeoscurria recurva, Palaeoscurria transversa
Type specimen: Its type locality is Light Gray Riffskalk, Thörl, Lake Wolayer, Carnic Alps, which is in a Pragian reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Grau Riffkalk Formation of Austria
Ecology: epifaunal grazer
Distribution: found only at Light Gray Riffskalk, Thörl, Lake Wolayer, Carnic Alps
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