Gastropoda - Zygopleuroidea - Pseudozygopleuridae
Alternative combination: Pseudozygopleura (Stephanozyga) granda
Full reference: B. S. Kues and R. L. Batten. 2001. Middle Pennsylvanian gastropods from the Flechado Formation, north-central New Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 75(1, supp):1-95
Belongs to Stephanozyga according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Kues and Batten 2001
Sister taxa: Pseudozygopleura (Stephanozyga) lisaspira, Pseudozygopleura (Stephanozyga) nishimurai, Stephanozyga crassa, Stephanozyga ignorata, Stephanozyga lisaspira, Stephanozyga magna, Stephanozyga nodosa, Stephanozyga ornamentaria, Stephanozyga seminuda, Stephanozyga subnodosa, Nodozyga longnorensis, Nodozyga rugifera, Nodozyga cylindracea, Nodozyga rowlandsi
Type specimen: Its type locality is Talpa, which is in a Desmoinesian delta front shale/sandstone in the Flechado Formation of New Mexico
Ecology: epifaunal
Distribution: found only at Talpa
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