Rostroconchia - Ribeirioida - Technophoridae
Full reference: E. O. Ulrich. 1892. New Lammelibranchiata, No. 4. Descriptions of one new genus and eight new species. American Geologist 10(2):96-104
Belongs to Technophorus according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Pojeta and Runnegar 1976, Ulrich 1892 and Ulrich 1893
Sister taxa: Technophorus bellistriatus, Technophorus cancellatus, Technophorus cincinnatiense, Technophorus divaricatus, Technophorus faberi, Technophorus filistriatus, Technophorus kempae, Technophorus milleri, Technophorus minutus, Technophorus nicolli, Technophorus oblongus, Technophorus peregrinus, Technophorus planei, Technophorus punctostriatus, Technophorus quincuncialis, Technophorus shiqianensis, Technophorus walteri, Ribeirella crassa
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Technophorus subacutus in the database
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