Full reference: A. Y. Rozanov, V. V. Missarzhevsky, N. A. Volkova, L. G. Voronova, I. N. Krylov, B.M. Keller, I. K. Korolyuk, K. Lendzion, R. Mikhnyar, N. G. Pykhova, and A. D. Sidorov. 1969. Tommotskiu jarus i problema nizhney granisty kembriya [The Tommotian Stage and the Cambrian lower Boundary problem]. Trudy Geoligske Institut Leningrad 206:1-379
Parent taxon: Orthothecida according to A. Kouchinsky et al. 2017
See also Azmi and Pancholi 1983, Dzik 2010, Rozanov et al. 1969 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Aldanothecidae, Allathecidae, Ancheilotheca, Bolitheca, Brevitheca, Bucanotheca, Carinitheca, Chelsonella, Circothecidae, Cupitheca, Curtitheca, Ebianotheca, Eogloborilus, Eonovitatus, Girvanolithes, Gracilithecidae, Grandicornus, Hexitheca, Inflaticornus, Isititheca, Khetatheca, Kotuyitheca, Lophotheca, Minitheca, Mooritheca, Neobactrotheca, Nikatheca, Novitatidae, Orthothecidae, Panitheca, Paragloborilus, Petasotheca, Plicitheca, Probactrotheca, Renitheca, Sysoievia, Tchuranitheca, Tetratheca, Tetrathecidae, Triplicatellidae
Subtaxa: Turcutheca annae Turcutheca crasseocochlia Turcutheca lubrica Turcutheca maxima Turcutheca praelinguis Turcutheca rugata
Type: Torellella crasseocochlia
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cambrian of China (32 collections), India (3), the Russian Federation (36), the United Kingdom (2)
Total: 73 collections including 106 occurrences
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