Metoptoma similis Whitfield 1882 (mollusk)

Tergomya - Archinacellida - Metoptomatidae

Full reference: R. P. Whitfield. 1882. On the fauna of the Lower Carboniferous limestones of Spergen Hill, Indiana, with a revision of the descriptions of its Fossils hitherto published, and illustrations of the species from the original type series. American Museum of Natural History Bulletin 1:39-97

Belongs to Metoptoma according to R. P. Whitfield 1882

Sister taxa: Metoptoma alceste, Metoptoma analoga, Metoptoma cornutaforme, Metoptoma devonica, Metoptoma elliptica, Metoptoma imbricatum, Metoptoma peroccidens, Metoptoma phillipsi, Metoptoma pileus, Metoptoma recurva, Metoptoma retrorsa, Metoptoma robusta, Metoptoma texana

Ecology: epifaunal grazer

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Metoptoma similis in the database

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