Family Phalangeridae Thomas 1888 (possum)

Mammalia - Diprotodontia - Phalangeridae

Synonyms: Phalangistidae Gray 1821, Phalangistina Gray 1825

Parent taxon: Phalangeriformes according to M. S. Y. Springer et al. 1994

See also Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gray 1825, Lydekker 1894, McKenna and Bell 1997, Munemasa et al. 2006, Nowak 1991 and Pocock 1921

Sister taxa: Acrobatidae, Burramyidae, Petauridae, Tarsipedidae

Subtaxa: Ailuropinae Cercaertus Palaeopetaurus Phalanger Phalangerinae Phascolaretus Trichosurus Wyulda

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Ecology: scansorial herbivore-insectivore


• Quaternary of Australia (22 collections)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Australia (1)

• Pliocene of Australia (5)

• Miocene of Australia (3)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Australia (1)

• Oligocene of Australia (1)

Total: 33 collections including 39 occurrences

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