Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Alternative combinations: Pleurotomaria (Pleurorima) migrans pragensis, Pleurotomaria pragensis
Full reference: E. Koken. 1889. Ueber die Entwickelung der Gastropoden vom Cambrium bis zur Trias. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie 6: 305–484. 6:305-484
Belongs to Pleurorima according to P. J. Wagner 1999
See also Koken 1889 and Perner 1907
Sister taxa: Pleurorima confertinemilata, Pleurorima cytherea, Pleurorima famula, Pleurorima hoffmannae, Pleurorima kayseri, Pleurorima leptoconcha, Pleurorima migrans, Pleurorima moydartensis, Pleurorima sandbergi, Pleurorima tranquilla, Pleurorima wisbeyensis, Pleurotomaria (Pleurorima) aptychia
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
Distribution: found only at Dvorce, Praha - Podolí (Silurian of Czech Republic)
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