Megalomphala septentrionale Poulsen 1974 (snail)

Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Bucaniidae

Alternative combination: Salpingostoma septentrionale

Full reference: C. Poulsen. 1974. Silurian Pelecypoda, Monoplacophora and Gastropoda from the reefy facies of the Offley Island Formation of Washington Land and Offley Island (Northwest Greenland). Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Biolgiske Skrifter 20(7):1-17

Belongs to Megalomphala according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Ebbestad 1999, Ebbestad 1999, Peel 1991 and Poulsen 1974

Sister taxa: Megalomphala carinata, Megalomphala contorta, Megalomphala crassa, Megalomphala crassiuscula, Megalomphala cycloides, Megalomphala dawesi, Megalomphala gotlandica, Megalomphala latissima, Megalomphala marjorae, Megalomphala pinguis, Megalomphala planorbiformis, Megalomphala salpinx, Megalomphala taenia, Megalomphala wilfredi

Type specimen: Its type locality is Locality 2. Kap Morton, uppermost kap of Washinton Land into Kennedy Channel, which is in a Llandovery reef, buildup or bioherm mudstone in the Offley Island Formation of Greenland.

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore

Distribution: found only at Locality 2. Kap Morton, uppermost kap of Washinton Land into Kennedy Channel

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