Cyrtospira ventricosus Hall 1852 (snail)

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Subulitidae

Alternative combination: Subulites ventricosus

Full reference: J. Hall. 1852. Containing descriptions of the organic remains of the lower middle division of the New York system. Paleontology of New York 2:1-362

Belongs to Cyrtospira according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Hall 1852, Hall 1867, Hall 1868, Lindström 1884, Nicholson 1872, Peel and Wängberg-Eriksson 1979 and Ulrich and Scofield 1897

Sister taxa: Cyrtospira abbreviatus, Cyrtospira aequalis, Cyrtospira bicurvata, Cyrtospira brevis, Cyrtospira directus, Cyrtospira funata, Cyrtospira granum, Cyrtospira huenei, Cyrtospira inexpectata, Cyrtospira lineatus, Cyrtospira nitens, Cyrtospira notata, Cyrtospira ornatus, Cyrtospira parvula, Cyrtospira raymondi, Cyrtospira tortilis, Cyrtospira wykoffensis

Subtaxa: Subulites ventricosus curvus

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Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Silurian of Canada (2: Ontario collections), Sweden (1), United States (1: Wisconsin)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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