Oxyrhina minuta Agassiz 1843 (mackerel shark)

Chondrichthyes - Odontaspidida - Isuridae

Alternative combination: Isurus minutus

Synonyms: Oxyrhina fastigata Davis 1888, Oxyrhina fastigiata Davis 1888

Full reference: L. Agassiz. 1843. Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles. Tome III (15me, 16me livraison) 157-390

Belongs to Oxyrhina according to L. Agassiz 1843

See also Agassiz 1843, Chapman 1918, Chapman and Cudmore 1924, Chapman and Pritchard 1904, Davis 1888, Gibbes 1847 and Hay 1902

Sister taxa: Oxyrhina crassa, Oxyrhina leptodon, Oxyrhina nova, Oxyrhina plicatilis, Oxyrhina praecursor, Oxyrhina quadrans, Oxyrhina subbasalis, Oxyrhina subinflata, Oxyrhina triangularis, Oxyrhina uncidens, Oxyrhina vanieri, Oxyrhina vonhaastii, Oxyrhina wilsonii, Oxyrhina zippei

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Miocene of Australia (4 collections), Italy (1), New Zealand (1), United States (1: New Jersey)

• Oligocene of Australia (3)

Total: 10 collections including 11 occurrences

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